
Here are a few of our clients who have kindly agreed to make themselves available for the purpose of informing prospective clients about their safari experience with Cape Valley Safaris.

Please feel free to contact one or other of them.  We are sure you will respect the fact that they are taking time out of their own affairs to assist you.


Barry Patton
Tel: 662 417 3178

Ben Koonce
Tel: 512 989 7663

Bob Filbert
Tel: 214 5345319

Mark Corry
Tel: 435 673 3630

Tony Ross
Tel: 214 353 8087

Brandon Garrison
Tel: 251 510 7435

Greg Sprague
Tel: 402 467 1949

Andy Stanford
Tel: 662 791 95 09

Dominic Cimato
(New York)
Tel: 716 310 2975

Jamie Hendrix
Tel: 662 263 4545

Lee Gilland
Tel: 662 263 5538

Mike DeAngelo
(New York)
Tel: 585 34 34 862

Scott Nichols
(New York)
Tel: 585 786 0760

Will and Jean Elliot
(New York)
Tel: 585 502 5207

Gonzalo Vecchio
Tel: 54280 441 7625

Walter Diaz
Tel: 662 263 4478

Tito & Facundo Gallo
Tel: 0954 11 48 21 7204

Aaron Moncibaiz
( Texas)
214 402 97 95

Sandy Grass
( Mississipi)
662 226 2116

Greg Hutchenson>
( Texas)
940 736 34 29


  • Wedding

    In 2013 we went to Cape Valley in South Africa on a hunting safari and to renew our wedding vows in celebration of our 20th Anniversary.
    Thursday, 13th June 2013

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